wydawca: Edged Circle Productions
format: 12”LP
rok: 2024
kraj: Grecja
gatunek: black metal
180g CZARNY Winyl + drukowany insert. Drugie tłoczenie z alternatywnymi labelami. Limit 300.
Drugi długo wyczekiwany album Yoth Iria. Majstersztyk i esencja greckiego black metalu.
Highly anticipated second full-length album “Blazing Inferno” from Hellenic Black Metal cultists YOTH IRIA.
Metal, magic and freedom. Three words to describe Hellenic black metallers YOTH IRIA. Lead by the legendary Jim Mutilator, YOTH IRIA holds nothing back in recreating, reinventing and reigning in the light of the spirits of old. Although modern and exciting in their approach, the darkness YOTH IRIA thrust ahead into the nothingness of modern music, comes from an ancient place. A place untouched by the plagues of conformity and compromise. BLAZING INFERNO offers no pardon but provides you with a visit to the occult spirituality the modern world lacks to offer. Humanity used to be linked with nature and was respectful of the forces we weren’t capable of understanding. YOTH IRIA sends a strong spiritual reminder to all of us, to not ignore the past at the cost of your future.