wydawca: Osmose Productions
format: CD
rok: 2021
kraj: Norwegia
gatunek: thrash black metal
Reedycja drugiego krążka Norwegów. Wydanie w plastikowym pudełku jewelcase.
Infernö was formed in 1994 by among others Carl-Michael "Aggressor" Eide (Aura Noir, Ved Buens Ende etc.) in opposition to where underground metal was heading at the moment (top hats, velvet gowns and Matrix coats galore). The intention was to bring back the glorious necro thrash metal of the early 80s; strongly inspired by early Sodom, Kreator, Slayer and so on.
On their sophomore album, Downtown Hades, Infernö were still not shy about their influences, but their unashamed way of hailing their idols had evolved, and the band had, surprisingly, matured.
The riffs are sharper, the attitude is meaner, and the delivery twice as aggressive as its predecessor. Just under half an hour, the album is one frantic headbanger after another, leaving absolutely no neck unharmed.
Over the years, it has grown into something of an underground classic, and after more than 2 decades of being out of print, it is about time for a re-release, to draw new generations of headbangers Downtown Hades!
Re-issue, completely new layout, original sound recording.